It’s time to Let A Sister Speak! What could be better than letting the Sisters speak for themselves about the true nature of the sacrifices they are making for others, especially when you consider that many people have never heard anything about Catholic Sisters beyond the stereotypes levied by secular society. In these three podcasts, you can hear directly how the Sisters and their organizations are serving the most vulnerable in this world.
Daughters of Charity International Project Services | Sustainable Grace
The Daughters of Charity International Project Services (DC IPS) was established in 2004 as a nonprofit organization to assist Daughters of Charity (Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul) in low-resourced countries carry out their mission of service to the poor. These diverse works meet basic needs, develop education, improve health, or deliver social services. The Daughters of Charity are committed to reaching and empowering those who are the most abandoned and marginalized by addressing needs of food, water, sanitation and shelter; and through their sustaining works including health care, HIV/AIDS, migrant and refugee assistance, education and more.
In this episode, the Catholic Investment Services podcast and Dan Coyne welcome Sister Mary Louise Stubbs and Kathleen Bissa of the Daughters of Charity International Project Services to talk more about what their organization is, what their goals and missions are, and the projects that they have. They also share what the impact of the organizations have and why it is different from other NGOs.
Apple Podcasts – Mission in Focus: Featuring the Daughters of Charity International Project Services
Sisters Rising Worldwide | Sustainable Grace
Through an innovative technology platform, Sisters Rising Worldwide ( is a nonprofit making it possible for Sisters to overcome the challenges of geography, language, and separate congregations to effectively share ideas and strategies that solve the root causes of injustices throughout the world.
With more than 650,000 Sisters doing life-changing work in 190 countries, this platform brings their projects to life, allowing them to communicate their needs, share their understandings, and allow others to join their mission by focusing donations and support directly to nuns who are on the ground in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.
In this podcast, Sister Irene O’Neill CSJ, President of Sisters Rising Worldwide joins Jack Brennan, CIS Founding Chair, for a dynamic conversation about her work and how her organization is uniting sisters around the world in pursuing their vital mission.
Apple Podcasts – Mission in Focus: Sisters Rising Worldwide
Sr. Mary Gabriel, Sisters of Life | The Faith & Finance Forum
The Sisters of Life are a contemplative/active Roman Catholic community of women religious, who profess the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. The Sisters of Life were founded by Cardinal John O’Connor in New York in 1991, and currently serve in the New York, Albany, Bridgeport, Philadelphia, Denver, Phoenix, Washington, D.C., and Toronto, Canada dioceses. Their missions include serving women who are vulnerable to abortion, giving them the support and resources to be able to choose life for themselves and their children; hosting weekend retreats; evangelization; outreach to college students; and helping women who have suffered after abortion to encounter the mercy and healing of Jesus Christ.
In this must hear podcast, Chris McMahon, Founder & President of Aquinas Wealth Advisors sits down with Sr. Mary Gabriel, Sisters of Life to discuss her organization as well as the need to incorporate faith values into our investment lives. Definitely one of the best and most inspirational discussions on Faith Investing that I’ve heard.
Spotify – Conversation with Chris McMahon and Sr. Mary Gabriel, Sisters of Life