Ministry Spotlight – Catholic Christian Outreach

College Quad

Today’s Ministry Spotlight: Catholic Christian Outreach

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) is a university student movement dedicated to evangelization.

Location: Ottawa, ON Canada


Catholic Christian Outreach challenges young adults to live in the fullness of the Catholic faith with a strong emphasis on becoming leaders in the renewal of the world. The three pillars of CCO’s strategy are to…

Proclaim: a clear and simple presentation of the gift of salvation Jesus offers and an invitation to a relationship with God.

Equip: growing in one’s relationship with Jesus. Small group faith studies and intentional accompaniment are the foundation of our approach.

Commission: learning how to share one’s faith with others. Participants are given easy-to-learn tools and methods to reach out to others which transforms their own spiritual lives.

Find Out More

How to Help: You can support Catholic Christian Outreach through Donations, Supporting A Missionary, or Volunteering For A Mission.


See the Journey Home Episode Featuring Angèle and André Regnier.

Let A Sister Speak!