BRI (Biblically Responsible Investing) – Screening On Your Values

Kingdom Frontier

BRI (Biblically Responsible Investing) – Screening On Your Values: Who is doing it and how it is done? These are questions that Biblically Responsible Investors may have about their BRI portfolios. Well in these two podcasts, you can hear directly from the pioneers in BRI screening whose databases are used when building Biblically Responsible Investing funds and portfolios.

BRI (Biblically Responsible Investing) Screening with Rusty Leonard and Olivia Hann | Beacon Wealth Consultants, Inc.

In this podcast, Cassie and Rick Laymon from Beacon Wealth Consultants talk about negative screening for BRI portfolios. When investors first hear about the concept of Biblically Responsible Investing and negative screening, the first question that is often asked is, “How do you do that?”

In this podcast we hear from Rusty Leonard and Olivia Hann from the BRI Institute. They will not only explain what gets screened out of a BRI portfolio, but how they are able to stay up to date on the business practices of so many companies… If you have a question about the “how” or “why” of BRI screening, you’ll find the answer here!

Episode 022 – BRI Screening with Rusty Leonard and Olivia Hann (

eVALUEator With Guest Dave Hart | Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

In this episode co-hosts Bob Barber and Mary Jo Lyons from the Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast interview David Hart, the president of sales and marketing for eVALUEator®. eVALUEator® is a tool for screening investments according to morally and biblically-responsible values. It is a tool for giving investors knowledge and the ability to be a good steward and stay away from various activities in their investment portfolios.

Episode 018 – eVALUEator With Guest Dave Hart (

Podcast Spotlight – Investing With Integrity