Today’s Podcast Spotlight: The WorkLight Nine to Five Podcast
The Nine to Five podcasts are conversations focused on faith and work, produced by WorkLight (Christians in Commerce International), from St Louis Park, MN.
About The Podcast
Nine to Five podcasts are conversations with Christians who are actively seeking to align their careers with God’s mission. They are meant to challenge and encourage others through personal testimony and sharing. WorkLight challenges us to listen to learn how we might bring Christ into our workplaces.
About The Presenting Organization
WorkLight is designed to foster transformation, community, and inspiration for the current generation of working Christians. WorkLight’s mission is to encourage and equip Christians to be God’s presence in the workplace by the power of the Holy Spirit, exercising faith, integrity, and excellence. WorkLight provides:
- Challenge Weekends to fill Christians with the power of the Holy Spirit
- Small Groups to sustain efforts to work for our Father 24/7
- Chapters to tap into 40 years of ministry, legacy, and experience
- Gatherings to unite in Jesus across professions, cultures, and traditions
- Resources with practical, first-hand accounts of living the life of Christ
- Support for Igniters to build God’s Kingdom in the workplace